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NYC mold removal

Did you know that about 10 million Americans could be affected by black mold? Symptoms of exposure to this toxic mold vary. Some people suffer from frequent headaches, while others suffer from vertigo or skin rash.

Mold Removal NYC
Did you know that about 10 million Americans could be affected by black mold? Symptoms of exposure to this toxic mold vary. Some people suffer from frequent headaches, while others suffer from vertigo or skin rash. Often, these health conditions are misdiagnosed, because only very few doctors look at mold as a possible culprit. It may take an indoor air test to determine presence of black mold and to see it as a possible reason why everyone in the family is getting sick.
Black mold is just one of the many types of mold that grow inside homes. Molds thrive indoors when there is enough moisture. In fact, the three ingredients necessary for mold are water, heat, and organic material. So, if you have a roof leak that causes water to trickle down the drywall, expect different species of mold to grow on or behind it. You may be tempted to tear down the drywall to see if mold is growing on the backside, but don’t do it!
Exposure to black mold can lead to serious health consequences. Our mold inspectors do this job with protective gear—facial masks, goggles, and gloves. Contact with toxic mold can cause eye irritation, skin rash, dermatitis, and upper respiratory tract irritation.
When do you call mold inspection and remediation experts? Call us when you discover growing mold or when your house has been recently affected by flood or plumbing leaks.

Mold is not just a nuisance. It also causes health conditions, ranging from skin rash to asthma. Ordinary mold can do these things, but there are species of toxic mold that cause worse chronic health conditions. We all want to just eliminate mold altogether. The solution is mold remediation, a task that should be done as soon as mold is discovered.
If you don’t know whether you have mold growing inside your home, but you suspect its presence, then you should call mold testing specialists. If they confirm presence of mold, then it’s time to call for the mold removal company.
Some people think they can handle the mold problem on their own. So, they clean surfaces with mold, and think that’s sufficient. Days later, mold starts showing up in other places. This is because mold spores may still be up in the air or mold may still be growing somewhere in hidden spots and continue to release spores. A more serious reason is mold contamination inside HVAC ducts, which leads to spreading of mold in different areas of the house. Avoid these repercussions by hiring professionals to do comprehensive remediation that follows standard procedures.
While most mold species found indoors are benign, there have been cases of toxic mold infestation. Exposure to toxic mold causes respiratory and cardiovascular problems. In rare occasions, toxic mold exposure can be fatal.
You don’t want to put the health of your family at risk. Call us immediately when you discover mold.